Side Trip

We were in Yukon, Oklahoma for the night and decided to drop down to McKinney, Texas and surprise Mike's Mom for Mother's Day.  We drove through hail.  Darn!  Luckily it was small. 

We were at Michelle's for Astrid's birthday party.  It was BYOV.  Bring Your Own Vase.  We made lasagna and had snacks.  Astrid had seen these "tulips" on Pintrest.

The girls made flower arrangements for their Mother's for Mothers Day.

The girls really enjoyed it.

Astrid said that at parties now, they have a special place to take pictures.  So she designed a place in the back yard.

Holly had to be in the picture too.

We surprised Mike's Mother at the Cracker Barrel in Mesquite.  Cannot believe that we did not take pictures.

We had a great time in Texas.


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