Day 14 - Rolla to St. Louis, Missouri

We had another fun filled day.  Even a few suprises!

Did not know that Cuba, Missouri is famous for their murals.  What was really cool about the building below, was that it was just a front.  No side walls, or roof.

Found the Worlds Largest Rocking Chair!!!!

Touring Meramec Caverns has been on my bucket list before we knew the term "Bucket List." 

We we arrived at our Hotel, The Drury Inn, in St. Louis, they asked if we were in town for the game.  I said no, just wanted to see the Arch.  He said the Cardinals were playing the Dodger tonight.  Sweet!  The Dodgers are Mikes favorite team.  We unloaded our car and walked across the street to the stadium.  You can see it from our room.  We had a great dinner and tested some beer before the game.  It was really exciting and the Dodgers Won!

We had good seats in the second section up from third base.  I kept looking at the empty seats across the field as far up as you could go.  I talked Mike into taking me over there and we watched the rest of the game from there.  Awesome.


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