Day 10 - Elk City Oklahoma to Oklahoma City

We spent the night in Elk City at a Sleep Inn.  It was a great hotel.  It had room darkening screens and we both slept past 9:00.  Or we were really tired.  There are Route 66 Museums in almost every town.  In Clinton, OK is the National Route 66 Museum.

The Canadian near Bridgeport, OK is the site of 3/4 mile bridge with 38 arches, which is called "a pony bridge."  It was built in 1933 and is still in use.

 Thank goodness, it is still in good condition!
 We were surprised to see that Yukon, OK is the home of Garth Brooks.  We looked for him, but did not find him. 

Route 66 has many surfaces from dirt to 4 lane highways.

Then the rains came with hail!!!

Another fun day! 


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