Day 13 - Carthage to Rolla, Missouri

It was a fun relaxing day. The guide book said that Missouri is know for its trees and winding roads.  That is correct.

We have driven I44 hundreds of times in over the past 50 or so years.  We have always seen the advertisements for Meramec Caverns and was thrilled to see the painting on the barn.  We will see it tomorrow.

There was also signs for this motel.  The guide said to spend the night if at all possible.  It was still morning, so we had to keep going. Mike is not ready for another vintage motel.

Many of the buildings are made from native rock.  These are a perfect example.

We drove right by a tourist attraction and had to take a second glance at it.  I really had a good laugh.  I do not know if it is a real town.

We went through an are called Devil's Elbow.  It was pretty.

We arrived safely in Rolla, Missouri and are very comfortable at the Super 8.  More tomorrow!


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