Day 2 - Railto to Arizona Border

We left the Wigwam Motel and headed east and saw some awesome sites and scenery. Kumar asked us where we planned on eating and he suggested Emma's Restaurant.

Our first stop was the original McDonalds that is now a museum. When we arrived, it was closed. It was not in the best area as shown by the bars around the property. I love McDonalds.  I can remember the first time we went to the McDonalds in Moline.  A hamburger for 15cents!

We then traveled on to Victorville. Along the way we saw some beautiful country. Mike said Route 66 is better than some of the interstates we travel on! As most of you know, Interstate 40 follows Route 66.
We stopped in Victorville to see the Route 66 Museum. They were closed that day. So another photo op.
We travelled on towards Barstow, California. We stopped for breakfast at Emma's. Delicious home cooked food.

Emma has passed on and her son, Brian, carries on her legacy.

We were very happy not to be driving the motorhome under this railroad bridge.

Outside of Barstow is the "Bottle Ranch." We flew by the ranch and I asked Mike to U-turn so I could take pictures.

There are several vintage Motels to stay in along Route 66. We had planned to spend the night, but we traveled on to the Arizona border.

We traveled on to Barstow. A stop you should not miss if you are traveling through Barstow is Barstow Station. They have a food court and several gift shops.  You can take your food to a train car to eat.

Continuing along...through Daggett, Newberry Springs, Ludlow, Bagdad and hit a road block at Amboy. Kumar (from the Wigwam) made x's on our map saying the road was very rough along part of the route. We thought, it can't be that bad. Well, Kumar was right. They were in the process of repairing he road and the road was closed. Back on to I 40 until the next stop.

I don't know if any of my cousins remember Lyle calling them a Mugwump.  A Mugwump is when you sit on a post and your mug is on one side and your "wump" is on the other.

We have a map for each state that Route 66 runs through.  It tells of sites to see.  Also the solid black line shows where Route 66 still can be driven on.


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