Padget Family Reunion

The Padget Family Reunion was held in Floris, Iowa and Mom and I went.  I picked up my Mom in Rushville and we traveled to Floris via Keokuk.  We had a beautiful day for traveling. 

Davis County Court House and Mom
Mom and I went to see Grandpa and Grandma Padget's grave in Floris.  I was glad that I had been there the week before with Connie and we had cleaned them up.
Mom looking at her parents grave.
 Not many attended the family reunion.  I would like to go again next year.  It will be on September 11, 2011. Wilmer and Edith Padget had 10 children.  Uncle Don is the only one living.  Aunt Jean was there too.  She said Uncle Charles has been gone 13 years.
Mom and Uncle Don Padget

LaBerta, Mom, Hilldred, Hannah (Aunt Reba's daughters) 

Standing: Betty Covert, Bill Covert's wife
Sitting: Aunt Jean, Shirley Padget, LeRoy's wife; Pat Covert, Floyd's wife

Jack Kirby, Hannah's husband, Bill Covert, Reva'a son, Bill Padget, Uncle Charles
and Aunt Jean's son
Floyd Covert, Aunt Vetra's son; LeRoy (Don) Padget, Lale's son.
LeRoy (Don Padget), Esther Vroman, 2 of Lale Padget's children

Janet, Uncle Charles and Aunt Jean's daughter;
Leon Wilkenson, Reva's son


Anonymous said…
Love it! And boy does Lale have some good looking offspring!

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