Niagra Falls, Ontario

We left for Niagra Falls on Saturday, July 22, 2017.  Chris and Tracy jokingly say that we are taking their honeymoon.  It truly is worth going to.  Love Love Loved, it.  Below are our first views of the falls.  The first one is from our room.

They call the below area a "Horseshoe"

We watched a 4 D movie and learned how the falls was created.  I think the 4th D was that you were rained on and sprayed with water.

Then we went on the Journey Behind the Falls.  We took an elevator down and walked on man made tunnels.  When we looked out, all we saw was a wall of water.

Then we came to another tunnel and we could see the falls.

We followed another tunnel and walked out on to a balcony.  The road of the falls was awesome.

I kept on my blue raincoat from our previous 4D adventure. 

You can see the USS Hornblower on the water.  We took the boat the next morning.  

If you look very closely, you can see the boat in the mist.

We walked for miles.  Mike said it was only two.  We saw the incline tram and realized that it went straight up and came out at our hotel parking lot.  Sweet.  $2.75 well spent.!

We ate at Margaritaville on the balcony.  We culd see the falls.

At night, they shine colored lights on the falls.  It begins at 10 and we opted to see them from our hotel.  It was beautiful and mesmerizing. That is New York on the back side of the falls.

The ride on the Hornblower into the mist at the bottom of the falls is everything I imagined and more.
The boat holds 700 maximum and they run every 20 minutes.  We just missed the previous boat and were first in line for the next one.  We chatted with the gate attendant and she said the best place to stand in on the main deck right in front.  While everyone else was racing for the top deck, Mike and I got a space right in the middle of the front.

In the middle of the picture you can see the overlook we stood at yesterday.

 Marissa was correct, you get up and personal with the falls If you stand on the bow.  I got hit right in the face with a huge glob of foam!
I definitely would do it again.  I would suggest doing the boat ride last and build up to it.  


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