Chris and Tracy's Wedding

July 15th Chris and Tracy got married.  It was a beautiful ceremony at the Rock Island Conservation Club on Big Island, Milan.  We love our new daughter.  Welcome to the family Tracy.  We also now have a new Grandson and Granddaughter, two great granddaughters and one great grandson.

Mike walked Michelle down the isle.

Jake was Best Man and Jourdian, Tracy's daughter, was maid of honor.

Tracy's granddaughters were the flower girls.  Aalyaih is two and Hannah is eight.
Aalyaih wore Amanda's sunglasses upside down.  So cute!!

Julian, Tracy's son and grandson, Jarron, walked Tracy down the isle.

When Jarron saw all the people, he stopped.  
He did show up!

They did the sand ceremony to represent a blended family.
Jake was Blue

Jourdian was pink.

Julian was orange.

Chris was yellow.

and Tracy was purple.

The bride was beautiful, the groom was handsome, but the kids were precious!!

Our good friend, Travis Schulte, officiated.
 They said their vows....

 and then the kiss......

It is official.... Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Day!!!!!


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