Rockland, Rockport and Camden Maine

We spent one night in Portland then went north to Rockport.  We are going to stay in this newly remodeled hotel room for 5 nights.  Awesome view from our deck.  August 2nd, we will attend the Maine Lobster Festival in Rockland, which is only 2 miles away.

We toured the neighboring cities and saw beautiful scenery and homes.  Most of the house look like they have been added to and are connected to their garage and even barns.

There was an awesome art work made out of railroad ties.

We usually think of Blues and Jazz enjoyed in the southern states.  

House surrounded by lobster traps.

We saw this huge museum and it said Knox Museum.  I had Mike convinced that is was the Knox gelatin mansion.  I googled it and it was George Washington's right hand man and was in the boat with him when he crossed the Deleware.

 Of course, it was closed the day we were there.

There was a schooner in the harbor that was called the "Mary Day."  That is the name of Mike's step-mother.  The wind would not cooperate when we were trying to get a picture of the flag.

We saw a huge structure being renovated and had to drive around the block to check it out.

The town is renovating their Camden's Town Clock


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