Chris LeDoux Park Dedication

Saturday, over 1,000 people filled the little town of Kaycee, Wyoming for the dedication of a park in Chris LeDoux's honor.  Chris died in 2005.

Chris LeDoux was a genuine singing cowboy and rodeo champion.  Mike has loved his music long before Garth Brooks sang about him in a song.  We stayed in Kaycee for 11 days.  It was a great honor to meet the family and talk to the relatives. 

Across the street from the park is Chris LeDoux's father-in-laws store, "The Rusty Spur."  He is a wonderful man that reminded me of my Grandpa.  He sits on his stool by the counter and there are two rocking chairs beside him just inviting people to sit and stay for awhile.  We loved going in there. 

The horse, "Stormy Weather" is standing on a Guild Guitar which is engraved on the side, "beneath these western skies." Lyrics from one of Chris's songs.  The picture below was taken the day they set the bronze and before the flowers were planted. 

On Tuesday, June 15th, Mike and I had driven to Montana to visit the Little Big Horn.  On the way back in town, we noticed that they had set the bronze on it's pedestal. The also put epoxy on the base and let it hang by the crane overnight.  Peggy LeDoux, Chris's wife,  was mowing the grass and getting ready for the celebration. 
The next day, they covered it with tarps. Mike took several pictures of the bronze, but we did not post them until after the celebration.
I talked with Peggy while she was trying to take pictures of the process.  She was very gracious and a beautiful soft spoken lady. 

Below is Chris LeDoux's son, Ned singing a tribute to his Dad.  See my story below.

Mike and I walked downtown around 8:00am and ate breakfast. We hung out for the dedication that began at 3:00pm. At 1:00pm they offered free Bud Lite and free food. Mike and I bought a hamburger and were sitting at the beer tent area. Of, course, Mike was not drinking as he is a Miller Lite guy. I kept staring at one guy in the beer line and he got three cups of beer. He came over to us and set one beer down. He asked us to watch it until he got back as he could not carry three. I asked him if anyone has every told him he looked like Garth Brooks. He said he gets that all the time. I told him he should be a Garth impersonator. He said he has....ha, ha, ha. When he came back, I told him I could of sold his beer three times. Ha, Ha, he nudged me and laughed. Get the joke, the beer was free!!! While we were listening to the band, one of the event cooridinators was standing behind us telling someone that Garth Brooks was indeed there.  He kept a low profile because it was "Chris's day." I wish I would of asked Mike to take our picture, as he was sitting there holding the camera. No pictures to prove it, but it will be in my heart forever. He touched me and laughed at my wit! (Ok, I know it would be hard to believe that Garth Brooks could walk around in a crowd and no one would recognize him, but that is my story and I am sticking to it!)


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