Pinedale, Wyoming

We arrived in Pindale, Wyoming where we will stay until we move up to the ranch. The Box R Ranch is 23 miles from here. The road into the ranch is 8 miles of gravel.

We drove up to the ranch and Irv, the owner was there. The ranch does not have the utilities on yet and won't officially be open until June. The wranglers and cook will be arriving tomorrow to get settled in. We can bring the motorhome there sometime next week. You will have to check out the blog as spring moves into summer and see the hills turn green. We got to explore the ranch buildings. Totally awesome.
There were antelope everywhere. Irv said they also have moose. There used to be 18 moose living on the ranch, but with the introduction of wolves about 20 years ago, they are down to 5. If you click on the pictures, you can enlarge them. 

On the way back to the campground, it began to snow. Tomorrow we will tour Pinedale and the area and buy a winter coat for Deb.


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