Orange County Choppers

Today was going to be uneventful.  Just a 4 hour drive to Nazareth, Pennsylvania.  I notice on the map an Orange County Airport, so I looked up to see where Orange County Choppers were.  Dang, just 40 mile away and right off of I84, in our route.  Side trip.....

We were in time for a behind the scene tour.

Paul Sr. was in the shop and came over for a photo op!

 Paul was trying to show us a video he took yesterday and he was have trouble getting it to work.
We especially wanted to see the Fire Fighters Chopper that they made, but it was in Germany.  We did not see a Moline Fire Department Patch, so we are going to mail them one.

We talked with Paul's sister, Elaine, and she told us of all the charitable work they do.  Paul Sr. does a lot with the Make a Wish Foundation.  They are an incredible family.

They are currently working on a bike for Bass Pro.  It is going to be beautiful.  I don't know if these should be public....


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