Day 17 - Springfield to Moline, Illinois

We talked with our son, Chris this morning and decided to take a side trip to Moline for the weekend and then continue our trip to Chicago later. 

We spent the morning touring Lincoln's Home and Tomb.  It was very interesting.  I had been there with Girl Scouts eons ago and Mike had never been.  I am Abe's 5th cousin on my Maternal side, 8 times removed or 8th cousin 5 times removed. 

Some of the furniture are the originals used by the Lincoln family. 

A magazine from New York City sent an artist who drew pictures for the magazine.  The rooms are restored to the original design.

We toured the upstairs and the item that gets the most comments is Mrs. Lincoln's commode.

This is the actual mirror that Abe used to shave, at his actural height.

Mary Todd Lincoln insisted on doing all the cooking.  Which had to be hot in the summer!

Mike was wondering why they would have a "three holer."

We saw movies at the visitor center.  It was very cool.  Then on to the Tomb.

It is a tradition to rub Abraham's nose for luck.  I remember doing it when I was here years ago.

 On the way out of town, we passed the Illinois State Fair Grounds.  I had never been there so we drove through it.  There was an interesting statue of Abe is his earlier years.

When we arrived at Chris's Mike got right to work. 


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