Day 16 - St. Louis, Missouri to Springfield, Illinois

It was another exciting day.  We were sorry to leave St. Louis as we had a most unexpected great time.  We walked a lot and soaked up the culture.

Good bye Missouri.....

Near Litchfield Illinois, we saw a bunch of old cars from the road and went to investigate.  We never have seen so many classic cars in one place in our life.  I bet it could be a world's record.  There were at least 5 pole barns full of cars and others under carports and in the parking lots.  We picked up sheet listing the cars and there is almost 600 on the list.  They do have a website. We will be back!

Most all the cars were under $20,000.  We have about 200 more pictures.  Then on to Springfield where we toured the New State Capital and the Old State Capital.  We walked miles.

We drove by the Associated Firefighters of Illinois state office and we made a U-turn and went for a visit. 

There is a Firefighteres Memorial outside of the New Capital that is totally awesome.

The State Capital Building is magnificent!  It cost over 4 million dollars to build and took for 4 years.  Every room, hallway, bathroom is ornate!

I has the tallest dome of all the Capital buildings in the United States including the Capital in Washington DC.

The Congress meet in this room.  The chandeliers weigh 750 pounds and are cleaned once a year.  The have installed a hydraulic lift to lower them for cleaning. 

It was interesting to see the little boxes on each desk.  The Congressmen hit a green button to vote yes, a red button for no.  They can push a bottom to speak and a camera turns on them and they show up of a screen on both sides of the room.  We are really high tech now.

The Senate chambers are not as nice.  Smaller chandeliers.  They are still lowered by hand to clean.

Our guide was so impressed with the detail the architect put into the building, she showed up the door hinges.

We walked to the Old Capital.  From the front steps, you can see the New Capital.  It would of been amazing to be a state official during the building of the new one.  To come from a simple building the the amazing new building had to be mind boggling. 

 Old Capital Buildng

Our guide book said to check out the Cozy Dog.  We took pictures, but did not stop.  It is a Cracker Barrel night.  We can walk there from the hotel.

Time for dinner!!!


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