On the Road again to Illinois

My sister Connie flew from Seattle to Dallas and rode in the motor home with us to Rushville to see our Mother and step-dad, Lyle. We have a Verizon internet card and we can get online as we go down the road.  Connie is ready to go RVing.  

We routed our trip through Arkansas and Missouri. We called our good RV'ing friends who live in Arkansas and they were camp hosts at Lake Catherine State Park, south of Hot Springs, Arkansas and only 12 miles off of the interstate. We stopped there for the night and set up camp. AW and Mike are have a relaxing chat! If RV'ing was easy, everyone would do it!

As always, RV'ers can whip up a meal in minutes.  We had hot dogs that Mike cooked on the grill, Jolly brought over some food and instant party.  Jolly made the best pickles.  You slice up a gallon jar of dill pickles, and layer them with 4 cups of sugar.  Add a botter of hot peppers, and shake until the sugar is dissolved.  You let them soak until they are as hot as you want them. 

We played cards until bed time.  AW's favorite is saying, "Let's go to bed, so these people can go home!"


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