At Deb's Mother's

My Mom and Lyle were happy to see us.  They have a home on Schuy-Rush Lake in Rushville, Illinois.  They had not seen my sister for 4 years.  I wonder where the line is where you are proud to tell everyone how old you are.  13, 21?  Then the over the hill age, 30, 40, 50.  Then the happy to be alive age! 70, 80 and 90.  Lyle will be 88 on February 12, 2011 and my Mother will be 80 on March 8, 2011.  They still put out a garden and Lyle mows over an acre of grass.  I think that is what is keeping them young.

We were admiring the flowers, when I had the fright of my life.  I have been saying for years that I would like to see a snake so I could see if I could still run.

Holy Crap!  These are just rubber snakes to keep the squirrels out of the flower beds!

I love this picuture of my Mom.  She is so happy all the time.   

Lyle is checking the outside temperature. 

I don't know what my Mother' did, but apparently it was funny!

 Debbie, Connie and Esther.

Mike tried his luck at fishing while Mom and Connie lounged on the deck. 

Connie is crocheting pads to put between my glass ware in the motor home to keep them from chipping and rattling while going down the road.
My Uncle told me this is a great blue heron.  You can click on the picture to enlarge it. 

 Lyle feeds the geese corn and they keep coming back and bringing their friends.


Anonymous said…
Fabulous! Love it! Now it's time for you to come "home." :)

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