4 Wheelin'

We went 4 wheelin' today and saw some amazing scenery. We left about 8:00 am and got home about 5:00 pm, seemed like a full day of fun and adventure.

As you can see, it is overcast and a cold front went through. In the "valley" it was supposed to be 10-15 degrees cooler, well guess what happens when you go up in the mountains.........cold. We did see snow but the temp was about mid 50's and scattered rain. But still beautiful.

In all of the mountains, desert and chilly temps were some of the neatest flowers ever.

There was Indian Writings on the rocks. It took us about 2 hours to get to this area. Most people don't even know it's there. The area is supposed to be where the Indian women went to birth their babies. The rocks were hollowed out, like bathtubs, and then they gave birth in those tubs. Deb is sitting on the rocks above the river bed area where these writings are. Click on the picture to enlarge it.  You can see the rock art better.

Deb's favorite was an Indian Medicine Man (?)

Here are some other pictures of the writings.....

So now we are at home, trying to relax and get ready for tomorrow, who knows what will happen then. Everyday is exciting and the future looks like it might be fun and exciting too. We'll see!!!!


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