Cottonwood Cove - Day 10

Mike's fire truck had snow and ice on it last night. It has been snowing for two days. It is wet and fluffy. I think it is wonderful. Those of you who know Mike Day are probably laughing. He never wanted to see snow again and his goal in life is to follow the sun. Look at the pictures on May 15th, our 2nd day here. It was a "freak" snow storm. They have been having an unusual winter and spring here. It is in the low 30's, but we are cozy and warm in the motor home. Perfect weather for chili. The neighbors are coming over tonight to play dominos.

Last night, I took a picture looking south toward the mountain. If you click on the picture it will enlarge. You can see an outline of the mountain.

This morning, you could see the wet snow on the pines. I think it is absolutely beautiful!


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