Astrid in Texas

Our Granddaughter Astrid had her first softball game in Texas Monday. Her team is called Fillies. When Michelle played ASA ball in the 80's her team was the Phillies. Cool. I am very excited to be flying to Dallas April 25th for a couple of weeks. I will be there for two of Astrid's games. She loves to play and says she is a good swinger. I will be there for Michelle and Astrid's birthdays. Astrid will be 8 on May 3rd. I won't tell you how old Michelle will be.


Anonymous said…
I can not believe how big Astrid is. I remember coming over to your farm house when she was born and she was a tiny little thing.
Debbie have fun when you go to visit. Mike you stay out of trouble when she is gone and don't drink too many cocktails at cocktail hour.

Anonymous said…
Cool!! Atrid and I have the same birthday and it is coming up soon. Happy Birthday Astrid from your third cousin.

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